Home Care Packages

Sensible Care is an approved provider of Home Care Packages. This means Sensible Care legally complies with the Aged Care Quality Standards of the Australian Government to ensure that you receive care and services of the highest quality.

Before you can receive Australian Government funding you need to be assessed by the Aged Care Assessment Service (ACAS).  The assessment is free.

You can arrange to be assessed by:

  • Visiting your GP to get a referral or
  • Phone My Aged Care on 1800 200 422

If you need assistance with the application process, we are more than happy to help. Please give us a call and our knowledgeable and friendly staff members will provide you with the guidance and information to apply for an assessment.

There are four levels of funding for Home Care Packages. The level of package you will receive is decided by the ACAS team taking into account your circumstances and needs. We can help you understand the process and differences between funding packages.

Sensible Care | Home Care Packages

No basic daily fee - No setup fee - No exit fee

At Sensible Care, we do not charge you a set up fee, an exit fee and or basic daily fee. Our fee structure is simple and transparent.

Record low rates

We believe in lean and efficient management and leveraging from technology to improve our systems and cut the costs down. We do not believe in spending on posh offices or exorbitant advertising. Instead, we worked hard to be efficient and pass the savings to our care recipients.

The table below outlines our very competitive fees and hourly rates for Home Care Packages fully managed by Sensible Care.

Care management per fortnight Package management per fortnight
Level 1 $50.77 Level 1 $54.80
Level 2 $89.29 Level 2 $96.40
Level 3 $194.32 Level 3 $209.90
Level 4 $294.58 Level 4 $318.10


Basic Daily Fee (per fortnight) $0
Care Services (personal care, respite,
companionship and social support)
Domestic assistance (housekeeping, cleaning,
laundry assistance, meal preparation)
Transport and shopping services $69.50
Light Gardening $79.50
Sleepover* weekdays $460
Sleepover Saturday $566
Sleepover Sunday $672
Sleepover Public Holiday $835
Clinical Services
Physiotherapy ** $159
Podiatry** $169
Massage Therapy (per hr) $149
Travel with staff (per km) $1.45
Nursing care standard hours (RN) $129
Nursing after hours $148.35
Nursing Saturday $180.60
Nursing Sunday $232.20
Nursing Public Holiday $283.80
Exit Fee $0

* Sleepover fee is based on a 10-hour shift which includes 2 hours of active care - one hour at the start and one
hour at the end of each shift. The start and end times can be adjusted to suit the needs. Additional active care is
charged at the after-hours rate on hourly increments. If the client requires assistance 3 or more times during the
shift or total amount of assistance exceeds 1.5 hour during sleep time, the appropriate after-hours rate is charged
for the each of the 10 hours.

** Standard consultation duration is 45 minutes. Price includes travel and report writing.

Please click here for a downloadable version of our current fees and hourly rates.


  1. Sensible Care operates on a minimum 2 hour per shift structure. Prices quoted are per hour based on weekday standard hours unless specified otherwise.
  2. The above amounts are GST exclusive. GST is charged at the rate of 10% where applicable.
  3. Our standard hours are between 7pm to 7am, Mon to Fri. Weekday after hours incur a 15% surcharge
  4. Saturdays incur a 40% surcharge.
  5. Sundays and After Hours (7pm to 7am) on weekends incur an 80% surcharge.
  6. Public holidays incur a 120% surcharge.
  7. Service Alterations/Cancellations: Notification of cancellation must be made at least 24 hours before the planned service time. Sensible Care reserves the right to charge all or part of a planned service fee if the service is cancelled with less than 24 hours notification.
  8. Income Tested Fee (ITF) is determined by Services Australia. The amount of the Home Care Package Subsidy may be reduced by the amount of Income Tested Fee and the consumer is obliged to pay the ITF if Services Australia determines that an ITF is payable.
  9. Gazetted public holidays may be substituted for another day under state or territory law.
  10. Please refer to Self-Managed Fee Schedule for Self-Managed Care fees.
  11. Where a client chooses a provider other than Sensible Care, the fee for the goods or service will be the total cost (exc. GST) of the invoice from the
    alternate provider. Sensible Care does not add any margin on the cost of the service.
  12. This schedule of fees is to be read in conjunction with your Home Care Agreement, budget and care plan.