Sensible Care is a registered provider of services under the NDIS.
The purpose of the supports and services delivered for NDIS participants are to help people with disability have the same things in life as other people, like somewhere to live, a job, hobbies and the company of families and friends.
Under the NDIS framework, participants choose and pay for supports and services out of an individually allocated budget based on their goals.
Supports and services for participants fall into three categories: core, capital and capacity building.
- Core: A support that helps a participant complete daily living activities.
- Capital: A support for an investment, such as assistive technologies, equipment and home or vehicle modifications, or funding for capital costs (e.g. to pay for Specialist Disability Accommodation).
- Capacity building: A support that helps a participant build their independence and skills.
Sensible Care is registered to provide the below core and capacity building supports categories:
- Management of Funding for Supports - 0127
- Community Nursing Care - 0114
- Innovative community participation - 0116
- Assistance with travel/transport arrangements - 0108
- Household tasks - 0120
- Assistance in coordinating or managing life stages, transitions and supports - 0106
- Assistance with daily personal activities - 0107
- Assistance with daily life tasks in group or shared Living - 0115
- Participation in community, social and civic activities - 0125
- Development of daily care and life skills - 0117
- Group and centre based activities - 0136